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What is Hoste Hainse?

Hoste Hainse is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 1990 which aims to end child labour and uplift the socio-economic status of poor and marginalized children of Nepal through education and empowerment.


What does Hoste Hainse mean?

The colloquial Nepalese expression "Hoste Hainse" can best be translated into English as "Heave Ho" which is the term most used in Nepal while collectively working on a challenging task. So, let's Hoste Hainse!


Where is Hoste Hainse registered?

Hoste Hainse is registered in Kathmandu, Nepal, as an NGO (non-governmental organization) and is also affiliated with the Social Welfare Council in Nepal. A satellite office of Hoste Hainse is also registered in the United States as "Hoste Hainse USA." Hoste Hainse USA is registered as a "friends of" organization of Hoste Hainse in the United States of America. It's EIN is 45-3011082 and is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.


What are the objectives of Hoste Hainse? 

  • Educational support for needy children and youth.

  • Elimination of child labour.

  • Economic upliftment of pro-poor community through income generation and entrepreneurship development.

  • Reduction of health vulnerability of the marginalized community and gender inequality.

  • Support on sustaining peace and reducing conflict.

  • Environmental conservation and renewal energy promotion through research, development and popularization.

  • Conduct research oriented study on various economic, social and environmental aspect of development.

  • Lobbying and advocacy on environmental issues, climate change and disaster risk reduction.


Who is the president of Hoste Hainse?

Mrs. Sulochana Shrestha-Shah Shrestha is the president of Hoste Hainse who has substantial experience of leading her own private organizations and INGOs nationally and internationally. She has always valued education as the most precious gift for a child. She was the founder member of Nepal Rugmark Foundation and secretary general of Rugmark International, now known as GoodWeave, an INGO working to end illegal child labour in the carpet industry. She has been awarded a human rights award by The Advocates for Human Rights in 1997 for continuously spreading social issues in the business sector.

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